What is gitsocket?

gitsocket is a socket (either unix socket or tcp port) server that, on demand, will update a local repository to the latest commit of a pre-defined repository-branch combination.

You can easily write scripts that receive webhook (github / bitbucket) and trigger gitsocket locally. With the help of [customized git hook] (usually bash script), this update process may further trigger rebuild and restart of your server application.

Allow clear separation between triggering side (web server) and process side (system user that runs git).


Deploy with git push

Assuming you have your own web server hosting your web application. Also, you’re working your source code in github, bitbucket or git service alike. You see a great advantage to deploy your source code straight from your git push action.

After some research, you’ve already found webhook (github, bitbucket). And then you ask, “how should I trigger my web server to git update with webhook.”

It seems straightforward. All there’s to do is to create a public URL that allow github or bitbucket webhook to trigger. Then your web application will do all the git work…wait. That doesn’t sound right.

The catch: security

To your web application update your source code with git. You’d have to:

  • Allow it to access your git repository (most likely with ssh key that has no password)

  • Allow it to access your live source code with full read / write / delete access.

What if the software I use has security flaw? What if an attacker hijack the system user that my application? The attacker might:

  • Stole the password-less ssh key.

  • Modified your live web application and inject code to it.

Solution: gitsocket

Naturally, you’d want to have an application receive the webhook trigger while have another application, with all these sensitive permissions, to do the git update on background.

gitsocket takes the responsibility to run all the git update process. It is allowed to do just the relevant git command. You may apply restrictions to the gitsocket user so it can do nothing but that. It is only responsible for the last mile of this webhook-deploy story.

gitsocket expose a socket (either unix socket or tcp port) to other application (e.g. your web application). Your application don’t need to have system permission to do the git update. It only needs to connect that socket and trigger gitsocket to do it.

Now your application can trigger git update / rebuild / restart without actually having the system permission to do so. Best of both world :-)

Get gitsocket

You may download the software on github